2024: Bronx Voted Avenue Cigar Lounge Best Cigar Shop!
Avenue Cigar Lounge
1129 Morris Park Ave
(718) 824-5307
A polished cigar lounge is a rarity in a busy city, but Avenue Cigar Lounge is a place where you can hunker down for a needed break among like-minded people. The environment there provides you with a small escape from the rigamarole of daily life. Avenue Cigar Lounge is run by people who enjoy telling you about the nice selection of cigars on hand. Conversations here are like a barbershop, but center on topics that leave you filled with knowledge about the world’s best cigars. Aficionados know this is among the best places around to relax for a smoke. Get ready to have sellers regale you with their stories of the various cigars and their attributes. Ask for something with a smooth, even flavor with no bitter notes, and watch the attentive staff point you in the direction of your next favorite large, cigarillo or little cigar. Ask about a cool, collectible label, and get ready to be astounded with the variety of the business.
2023: Bronx Voted Avenue Cigar Lounge Best Cigar Shop!
Avenue Cigar Lounge
1129 Morris Park Ave
(718) 824-5307 – avenuecigarloungeny.com
A polished cigar lounge is a rarity in a busy city but lucky for you there is one where you can hunker down for a needed break among like-minded people. You might consider the environment even a mini vacation from the rigmarole of daily life. When break time comes beckoning, step into Avenue Cigar Lounge. It’s a very chill place run by people who enjoy telling you about a nice selection of cigars. Conversations here are like a barber shop but center on topics that leave you filled with knowledge about the world’s best cigars. Aficionados know this is among the best places around to relax for a smoke. Step into the business and find out what others already know about how the owners place emphasis on comfort in this well-run establishment. Get ready to have sellers regale you with their stories of the various cigars and their attributes. Ask for something with a smooth, even flavor with no bitter notes, and watch the attentive staff point you in the direction of your next favorite large, cigarillo or little cigar. Ask about a cool, collectible label, and get ready to be astounded with the variety at this business.
2022: Bronx Voted Avenue Cigar Lounge Best Cigar Shop!
Avenue Cigar Lounge
1129 Morris Park Ave
(718) 824-5307 – avenuecigarloungeny.com
If you’re looking to smoke a good quality cigar, you need to head over to Avenue Cigar Lounge. Since 2009, Avenue Cigar Lounge has been a trusted name for Bronxites who are looking for cigars for themselves or to give as gifts for their friends. Their selection includes some of the finest imported cigars from all over the world, all of which are hand rolled by some of the best manufacturers. Plus, their knowledgeable staff will help you find exactly what you need. If you need a place to unwind or don’t want to smoke at home, Avenue Cigar Lounge, as the name suggests, has a great area to sit, relax and enjoy your favorite smokes.